New beach access on the Gabby Karniny Bidi

The new $75,000 beach access into North Thomson Bay was made possible with funding from the Rottnest Foundation and its London Chapter, and was officially opened this month. Part of the Wadjemup Bidi, the Rottnest Foundation was pleased to contribute funds towards the replacement stairs, which provides safe access to the beach and mitigates against erosion on the fragile cliff-face.
The Rottnest Foundation's London Chapter, founded by expats Sandy Barblett and Simon Williams in 2016, brings together lovers of Rottnest to celebrate fond memories of Island holidays, keep up to date with Island activities and raise funds to support the ongoing conservation of the Island. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has impacted on their annual event, however they were delighted to see funds raised from their previous events go towards this project.
A plaque at the top of the stairs acknowledges the collaboration between the Rottnest Foundation and the Rottnest Foundation London Chapter who funded the purchase of materials, and the Rottnest Island Authority Environmental Rangers who constructed the stairs. The Rottnest Foundation would also like to acknowledge the Winnit Club, who volunteered to remove the old copper-log stair access.


Making Rottnest Island accessible to all visitors


Behind the Smile